Africa village microfinance S.C

የፍላጎትዎ ድልድይ! Your Financial Bridge!

Saving products

AVMF is currently providing loans, saving, micro-insurance and digital banking products to the public

Saving Products

Ø  Compulsory Saving

Compulsory saving is the minimum amount of saving, which conditions borrowers` access to loans, and can be seen as a collateral substitute imposing a positive inducement for repayment.

Ø  Ordinary Voluntary Savings

This is a normal saving with attractive interest rate for any clients.

Ø  Special Growth Group Saving

This is a group based saving type that all group members should save a predefined amount of saving time by time.

Ø  Institutional Savings

Ø  Institutional Savings Accounts are tailor-made to suit the specific needs of institutions such as NGOs, clubs, associations, educational institutes, hospitals, Idir, Iqub savings and other Trusts.

Ø  Fixed Time deposit or Money Market Deposit

Fixed time deposit is a type of deposit which is accepted for a certain fixed period of time with negotiable interest rate. The rates of interest vary according to the duration of the deposit received and calculated only for the duration of the certificate of deposit.

Ø  Youth Saving

Youth accounts are savings accounts and checking accounts designed for children. They often require a much lower deposit to open than an adult's account, they have great interest rates, and also fewer fees.

Ø  Women Saving

This is Special Savings Account designed specifically to take care of and address the banking and savings needs of the Women customers to play an essential part of every women’s life, regardless of their financial position.

Ø  Coin Box Saving

A money box is a small box with an opening at the top, into which a child or petty traders puts coins as a way of saving money.

Ø  Asset Acquisition fund saving

This type of saving is designed to acquire assets to allow the company to expand its product lines or offerings or to purchase equipment etc.